Huawei P20/EMUI Apps Not Running Background – A No ADB Fix

Nb: this solution does NOT require ADB to make this work!

If, like me, you have a Huawei phone and you like running, or fitness trackers, or other apps to run when the screen is off, then you’ve likely experienced this issue.

You set off for a run, or other form of exercise, launch your app of choice, and set off…you feel awesome. You know the time will be good, who knows how far you’ve run… Doesn’t matter, you’ll check it when you finish, just…. Keep….. Going….. Only to get to your finishing point and realise the GPS hasn’t been tracking you. The phone blurts out your shameful pace “0.3km in 58min, 3 days per kilometer, slow and steady now Grandad”!

It’s annoying. HOWEVER, the battery life on your phone is great right?

Luckily Huawei do give you quite granular control in EMUI 10 at least. Please confirm other Emui versions have this control in the comments…

The fix includes several settings changes :

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Search for “App Launch”
    1. Find your App in the list and untick/the radio button next to the App
    2. “Manage Automatically” changes to “Manage Manually”, The radio button also turns from Blue to Grey (off) and a secondary window pops up showing you 3 additional radio buttons. “Auto Launch”, “Secondary Launch” & “Run in Background”
    3. Toggle them all on (Blue coloured button) and tap “Ok”
  3. Go back to Settings
  4. Search for “Battery Optimisation”
    1. Find your App in the list
    2. Tap on it
    3. Set to “Dont Allow”
    4. Tap “Ok”

These 2 settings can be repeated for any apps you want to enable to run whilst the screen is off.

You can also preform the steps in reverse/opposite to reapply them or restrict other apps from running in the background – for example, why does the Calculator need to run in the background? If you dont need it to, turn it off.

Hope this helps you find the ability to use your Huawei a little more effectively.

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